Ads on the move
In “Outdoor-speak” a “Full Back” is advertising creative designed to cover the entire rear of a bus.
Jamco’s sign-fitting expertise and attention to detail is showcased in its completion during every fortnightly copy-change of around one hundred Full Backs on buses in Melbourne’s and Adelaide’s diverse bus networks.
And diverse networks they are, in terms of the number of bus operators and the many small variations in bus model that require Full Back Installers to be highly proficient and also attuned to the detailed requirements of installing on different buses.

Precision and accuracy
Crucially, creative must be installed within correctly positioned frames. Also, non-interference with vents and legal, safety-related decals must be maintained per the grid specific to the vehicle. With four different grids found across the networks, each team of two highly-skilled vinyl-wrappers needs to carefully reconcile material with diagrammatic and written special instructions, and liaise closely with Jamco and depot staff to ensure accessibility and safe, precise completion of each and every Full Back.
Consistently successful completion of literally thousands of Full Backs reflects Jamco’s focus on quality installations and effective process management.

Second to none
Jamco’s skilled Vinyl Installers are second to none in Australia, and nowhere is this more spectacularly highlighted than in Jamco’s frequent “full-wrapping” of Melbourne trams.
Teams of six to eight Jamco Transit Installers regularly and expertly install stunning full-wrap creative on trams that then become visual standouts in this, the biggest streetcar network of any city in the world.
But getting this work done isn’t just a matter of a team of Signfitters turning up at a tram depot with armfuls of vinyl creative.
Final installation is always the result of a chain of coordinated, behind-the-scenes administrative steps involving the vetting of creative designs, liaison with Yarra Trams and JCDecaux, and the warehousing and delivery – in full and on-time – of the various panels that comprise tram-wrap creative. Also essential is effective personnel assignment, in turn dependent upon thorough permit and induction administration.

Installed to the highest standard
Such preparations begin well before actual install-date, with some steps cyclical and ongoing. Completion of all these preparatory steps guarantees Installer safety and compliance; access; vehicle availability; and an error-free installation every time.
All Installers must be site-inducted, and, to be qualified to work on ladders near power-supplies, must have certification subsequent to completion of Yarra Trams’ “overhead appreciation” induction. Jamco also requires and expects every Installer to stringently follow the current JCDecaux Safe Work Method Statement specific to Tram Full Wrap installation.
While clearly this is an environment in which compliance with safety–related standards is essential, Jamco nonetheless saw an opportunity here to improve process efficiency while actually improving safety. Specifically, Jamco took the initiative of replacing former aluminium scaffolding with fibreglass scaffolding.

Fibreglass scaffolding
Formerly, when aluminium scaffolding was used, every installation necessitated Installers’ on-site liaison with Yarra Trams’ electrical unit in order to isolate the power on a tram before commencement of a wrap installation. At the same time, Yarra Trams’ Carlton Control Group would need to attend the depot prior to wrap-installation to issue permits enabling Installers to sign-in and sign-out of a depot made safe by this isolation of the power.
But Jamco’s move to fibreglass scaffolding had the welcome effect of not only improving safety, but also saving administrative time by simplifying the permit renewal schedule to become quarterly rather than daily or ad hoc.
With similar efficiencies across all parts of its operation, now more than ever Jamco has the comfortable capacity to handle current tram-wrap volumes of up to seven per week, or two per day.