Solving the Bird Problem

Addressing an age-old problem with ingenuity and determination

A clean, bird free install site

An age old problem

It’s an inconvenient and unpleasant reality that birds – especially feral pigeons and Indian Mynas – love roosting in elevated Spectacular and Super static sites.

The proof is in the pudding (though the photos here may suggest use of another more appropriate term!).

Indeed, the enormous and disgusting build-up of bird droppings under prime roosting spots – often in the weather-protected internal apex and other crannies within these sites – is such that in many cases Installers cannot even establish secure footholds, let alone install efficiently in a safe, healthy work environment.

Bird-proof netting

More than just a nuisance

Large accumulations of bird excrement represent a bio-hazard; breathing apparatus is needed to protect against infections known to be potentially caused by inhalation of fungal spores in the droppings. This is more likely when warm, dry weather turns the droppings to dust prone to flying in the wind, but just as hazardous when rain turns the guano to virtual mud, slowing movement around the site and necessitating the use of gloves. Build-ups have been so bad at times that some Installers have been made to feel physically ill.

The parts of these sites that tend to be most affected are structural girts, access ladders, walkways, the top crossbar of mono-poles, and ratchets, which Installers must of course handle as part of the installation process.

Excrement-infested sites are not only problematic in terms of occupational health and safety, but do not allow completely delay-free sign installation, so are also bad for productivity. In fact there are times when large flocks leave build-ups to the extent that sites need gurneying simply to enable free access.

A bird-free billboard

Bird-proofing sites

Jamco has addressed this age-old problem with ingenuity and the determination required to bird-proof sites over multiple visits, necessitated when birds inevitably find alternative roosts perhaps not initially covered-off.

Various site modifications have been completed by Jamco to discourage roosting. Coreflute has been pinned to panels, fitted immediately behind cross-girts. Access ladders have been curtained with bird-netting. Various crossbars have been fitted with spikes that simply discourage roosting.

Some sites have been so badly covered with droppings that silicone could not be used to fit spikes; in such situations spikes have had to be cable-tied. And non-essential crossbars have been removed.

Persistence in deploying these modification methods has paid handsome dividends in terms of not only reduced health and safety risk, but efficiency by way of the maintenance of clean, freely accessible sites.


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